Event Calendar
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Las Artes Decorativas Exhibit
January 25, 2018 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
An event every week that begins at 9:00 am on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, repeating until April 13, 2018
The Belton Museum’s newest exhibit, Las Artes Decorativas: The Art and Artifacts of Spain is part of the Anderson International Festival “Mucho Gusto, Espana!” View furniture, coins, jewelry, tiles, metalwork, textiles, and artwork with Spanish origins. Featuring handcrafts from the various regions of Spain, the collection of secular and religious artifacts shows the varied influences….Moorish, Flemish,and Italian…that make Spanish decorative arts unique. The exhibit also includes artifacts from Spain’s storied past. See items from the time Rome ruled Spain, and most of Europe, to the era when Spain ruled much of the New World.
The exhibit is free to the public, thanks to the sponsorship of the City of Belton HTAX and Anderson County ATAX. The exhibits remains on display during museum hours (Wednesdays through Fridays 9:00 until 2:00 and Saturdays 9:00 until 1:00) or by appointment through April 14. Call Abigail Burden, BAMA Executive Director, at 864-338-7400 or email [email protected] for more information.
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Community Calendar Policy
1. The Community Calendar is for the promotion of special local events hosted by non-profit organizations, the City of Belton and Anderson County.
2. Organizations may submit special public events and annual fund raisers (but not regular meetings or private event announcements) to be posted.
3. Calendar items may be static or may include a link to the website of the sponsor organization to provide additional information.
4. The Belton Alliance will attempt to reflect accurate information on the Community Calendar, but cannot take responsibility for the accuracy of information provided by any organization.
5. The Belton Alliance retains the final authority to determine if an event may be posted on the Community Calendar.