Event Calendar
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How Things Work
January 27, 2019 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
FreeThe public is invited to join us for the opening celebration of How Things Work, an exploration of simple and complex machines, at the Historic Belton Train Depot from 3 – 5 PM on Sunday, Jan. 27.
During the opening celebration, the BHP AFJROTC Rocket Club will share a demonstration, the Anderson Career and Technology Center Robotics Teams will showcase their robots, and mega machines like a skid steer, dump truck, ambulance, earth moving machines, fire truck, and garbage truck will be onsite for the kids to enjoy.
In the exhibit, discover the science behind everyday objects and machines in this hands-on, minds-on exhibit.
Through fun, first-hand investigation, you’ll find out how electrical mechanisms work. See how wheels, inclined planes, wedges, screws, pulleys and cogs make construction easier.
Build a bridge, create a toy with a 3-d printer, and make music with interesting objects.
You can sew on a simple Singer sewing machine, shuck corn, weave cloth, and use other early 19th Century inventions.
Thanks to sponsors Earth Materials Grading, City of Belton HTAX, and Anderson County ATAX, the event and exhibit are free to the public.
See you Sunday, Jan. 27!
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Community Calendar Policy
1. The Community Calendar is for the promotion of special local events hosted by non-profit organizations, the City of Belton and Anderson County.
2. Organizations may submit special public events and annual fund raisers (but not regular meetings or private event announcements) to be posted.
3. Calendar items may be static or may include a link to the website of the sponsor organization to provide additional information.
4. The Belton Alliance will attempt to reflect accurate information on the Community Calendar, but cannot take responsibility for the accuracy of information provided by any organization.
5. The Belton Alliance retains the final authority to determine if an event may be posted on the Community Calendar.