Event Calendar
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Genealogy Program on Antiques Provenance and VBalue
May 17, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
FreeUsing genealogy resources to determine the provenance of antiques and thus enhancing their value will be the topic of this quarter’s Family Trees and Me genealogy series of lectures.
On Thursday, May 17, at 7 PM at the historic Belton Train Depot, Dr. John LeHeup will present an engaging lecture on antiques provenance, a record of ownership used as a guide to authenticity, quality and value.
From the early 80’s, Dr. LeHeup has collected silver as his passion.
“Former All-American football player Dr. John LeHeup pursues Southern silver with the same passion that he once exhibited for pigskin. The pro-defensive-tackle-turned-Presbyterian-minister has scored some 200-plus pieces of mostly 19th-century silver made or sold in South Carolina,” noted Traditional Home Magazine in a feature story in March 2006 on his collection.
Not only dealing in silver, he has gained a reputation as an expert on all things old and collectible. He will present strategies and sleuthing techniques to help all owners of antiques navigate the genealogical maze to come up with the value of their pieces.
Free to BAMA members, all others will be charged a $5 fee to attend, payable at the door that evening.
BAMA memberships begin at $20 for individuals, $30 for families, and range up to $1000. All donations are tax deductible.
This is the second offering in four presentations on genealogical topics this year. Upcoming events in this series include a presentation in September on the history and movements of a local Civil War regiment and a presentation in November on the preservation of old photographs.
For more information, contact Abigail Burden, BAMA Executive Director, at 864-338-7400 or [email protected].
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Community Calendar Policy
1. The Community Calendar is for the promotion of special local events hosted by non-profit organizations, the City of Belton and Anderson County.
2. Organizations may submit special public events and annual fund raisers (but not regular meetings or private event announcements) to be posted.
3. Calendar items may be static or may include a link to the website of the sponsor organization to provide additional information.
4. The Belton Alliance will attempt to reflect accurate information on the Community Calendar, but cannot take responsibility for the accuracy of information provided by any organization.
5. The Belton Alliance retains the final authority to determine if an event may be posted on the Community Calendar.