Local Events Scheduled For The Winter & Spring
Belton Events Scheduled During the Winter & Spring:
Events and activities scheduled for Belton during the summer, emphasizing Belton’s slogan “A Historic Heart….with a new beat!” include:
- Combo Kings: Enjoy great music and dancing….and open to the public at the Listening Room on Main. $10/person admission. The doors open at the Listening Room at 6:30 and the band plays from 7:30 until 9:45 Wine, beer, soft drinks and water are sold for $4. The band usually performs on Tuesday evenings. See the separate post on the Combo Kings for their latest schedule.
- Artists’ Gathering Open Studio, Belton Center for the Arts-Every Tuesday morning from 10:00 to 12:00. Members of the Belton Center for the Arts are offered the opportunity to use the upstairs classroom at no charge. Get inspiration or critique from other artists if you’d like, or just work independently. Depending on interest, live models may be available occasionally. Bring your own materials and no instruction is provided. No registration is required.
- Student Studio, Belton Center for the Arts-Thursdays 4:30 to 6:00 for students ages 10 and up who are looking for private lessons to expand their artistic abilities. The curriculum follows South Carolina state standards and the instructor (Madison Ashley) works directly with students and their parents to ensure a class that accommodates introductory, intermediate and advance levels. The cost is $50/month plus a one-time $50 charge for supplies and materials. Students may begin the course at the beginning of any month or leave at the end of any month. The program will follow a 10 month (September through June) curriculum. Visit Beltoncenterforthearts.org/student-studio for a complete class syllabus and to register. The fall schedule includes Form Sculptures (November 21 & December 5). Visit www.beltoncenterforthearts.org for more information or to sign up.
- Spark! Communal Pen Writing Workshop, Belton Area Museum Association-Saturday, March 15 from 10:00 to 2:00 at the Historic Belton Depot. Attendees will write to celebrate and explore our connections to place and community. The writing process can help awaken and preserve thoughts and traditions, offering insight, understanding, and respect to present and future generations. This four-hour workshop draws inspiration from the Smithsonian exhibit Spark! Places of Innovation, which is a springboard for igniting our own stories, giving voice to our shared and individual experience of place. No previous writing or storytelling experience is necessary. Writing supplies are provided, but attendees are welcome to bring their favorite writing tools. Bobby Harley will lead you expertly through writing prompts on innovation, technolog6y, and community. The workshop is open to people of all ages, includes lunch, and is FREE! Registration is required. Call 864-338-7400 or email [email protected] to reserve your spot. The event is sponsored by the South Carolina Arts Commission and Athenaeum Press at Coastal Carolina.
- Children’s Art Classes, Belton Center for the Arts-For ages 4 to 10 from 4:00 to 5:30. $30/class; 15% off for members. Register 48 hours before each class at www.beltoncenterforthearts.org/youth-programs or call 864-338-8556.
- Wednesday, March 19-Dice Drawing. Kids will roll the dice to be inspired to create his artwork. Ideal for ages 4 to 6.
- Wednesday, April 23-Recycle Robots. This class is designed for Earth Day. Kieds will gather recycled materials (provided by BCA) and glue them together on a base to design their own robot.
- Spark! Places of Innovation, A Smithsonian Traveling Exhibit, Belton Area Museum Association-Opening Sunday, March 2 from 3:00 to 5:00 at the Historic Belton Depot. The exhibit explores the unique combination of places, people, and circumstances that sparks innovation and invention in rural communities. Photographs, engaging interactives, objects, videos and digital stories bring a multilayer experience to reveal the leaders, challenges, successes, and future of innovation in a small town. The exhibit will remain open during normal museum hours through April 12.
- Community-Wide Rummage & Craft Sale, Belton Area Museum Association-Saturday, March 22 from 9:00 to 2:00 on the grounds of the Belton Depot. There will be 50 vendors selling everything from handmade jewelry, 3D printed items, wooden signs, homemade breads and jams, soaps, lotions, dog treats, candles, antiques, kitchen towel and aprons to rummage items, food truck selling unique bowls and grilled wraps with hibachi, Cuban, & Mediterranean flavors and lemonade ad shave ice vendors. Vendor applications may be found on the Belton Area Museum Facebook page or picked up at City Hall or the Belton Depot.
- Bunny Hop 5K Race, Belton Tennis Association-Saturday, March 29 8:30 to 10:00. All cottontails are welcome to participate in the first 5K run/walk held on the Bubblegum Rail Trail. Check in at the Belton Library, 91 Breazeale Street at 8:30. $35 entry fee with the proceeds to support the Belton Tennis Association. Enter using this link https://runsignup.com/Race/SC/Belton/BeltonTennisAssociationK
- Spark! Farm to Fork Adventure Tour, Belton Area Museum Association-April 5. Attendees to this ticketed event will get a chance to visit a series of local farms and learn about their innovative agricultural practices. The event goers will get a chance to sample dishes prepared with products from each farm. There will be opportunities at each farm to purchase delicious fresh grown products to take home. Contact Abigail Burden at 864 -338-7400 or [email protected] for more information or to purchase tickets.
- Chili Pepper Golf Tournament, Belton Area Museum Association-Enjoy a lunch and fun time on the golf course leading up to the Chili Cookoff Championships on Friday, April 11 from 12:30 to 5:30. This captain’s choice tournament will be played at Saluda Valley Country Club with lots of great prizes! The entry fee for a 4-person team is $350. Call 864-338-7400 or email [email protected] for more information or to enter a team.
- South Carolina Chili Cookoff Championships, Belton Alliance-Enjoy a beautiful spring day On The Square in Belton for the 15th annual S. C. Chili Cookoff Championships on Saturday, April 12 from 11:00 to 4:00…presented by Dodge Industrial. Professional cooks will be competing in several categories, including homestyle, veggie chili, chili verde, and traditional red chili.. The champions will qualify for the World Championships in the fall. Tasting bands may be purchased to try out all the chili…$20 for unlimited tastings or $5 for 5 tastings. The Belton Museum and South Carolina Tennis Hall of Fame will be open and there will be a classic car cruise in, craft vendors and entertainment. All proceeds from the event go to support six community non-profit organizations. Get more information at www.scchilicookoff.com. Come eat and compete!
- Belton Bash Tennis Tournament, Belton Tennis Association-Club teams will be competing from colleges and universities in South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia on Saturday, April 12 and Sunday, April 13. Matches will be played at the Belton Tennis Center, Leda Poore Park and BHP High School.
- Spring Smash Tennis Skills Improvement Workshop & Play, Belton Tennis Association-Special athletes will be participating on Saturday, April 26 from 10:00 to 3:00 at the Belton Tennis Center and Leda Poore Park. Come out and support these athletes!
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