Belton Alliance after 5 Thursday, September 24
The second Belton Alliance after 5 social was held at the Belton Center for the Arts from 5:30 to 7:00 on Thursday evening, September 24. Over 100 people attended and networked with area friends and business associates, enjoyed free food and refreshments and learned more about new and exciting things going on in the Belton area. A program was held at approximately 6:00 to present the Order of the Palmetto to Belton resident Rex Maynard (see below pictures).

Maynard Recognized with the Order of the Palmetto
Lifelong Belton resident Rex Maynard was honored with the Order of the Palmetto by Governor Nikki Haley Thursday evening during the Belton Alliance “after 5” event held at the Belton Center for the Arts. Governor Haley could not attend; the award was presented by Senator Billy O’Dell and Representative Mike Gambrell. Thomas McAllister, a close friend of Maynard’s, and Kathleen McAllister, who made the nomination to the Governor, also participated in the presentation.
The award was established in 1971 by Governor John West and recognizes outstanding service to the state and community. It is considered the highest civilian honor in the state of South Carolina. The Order of the Palmetto comes with in the form of a framed certificate that, in part, reads: “In grateful recognition of your contributions and friendship to the State of South Carolina and her people.” Five other Belton residents have been recognized with the award in the past 20 years, E. B. “Fluffy” Rice in 1995, Matthew LeCroy in 1996, Alda Smith in 2002, V. Laniel Chapman in 2003 and Stan Marshall in 2004.
As a part of the nomination process, Mrs. McAllister requested Letters of Recommendation from several of Maynard’s business, church and civic associates. Some comments from these letters were:
- “Rex is a person of impeccable character. His word is his bond and I always appreciated and admired him for this character trait.”
- “He has been a driving force in the economic developments of Belton. He has committed his life to his city, state and country. I cannot think of a more deserving person.”
- “Rex is one of the most competent men I know. He deeply cares about the needs of others and his servant’s heart is best expressed through his involvement in meaningful organizations and ministries. Whatever Rex does, he does very well.”
Maynard has a long list of community service. He is best known for his involvement as a tennis volunteer at the local, sectional and national levels. He is a Past President of both USTA South Carolina and USTA Southern and currently serves on the USTA Executive and Nominating Committees. He has served as the Tournament Director of the Palmetto Championships the past 35 years and is a member of the South Carolina Tennis Hall of Fame. He has served Belton First Baptist Church for over 50 years in numerous leadership roles. Maynard is a long time United Way Volunteer and served as the Chairman of the United Way of Anderson County and as President of the United Way of South Carolina. He is a Past President of the Belton Lions Club where he has been a member over 40 years and chairs the committee to provide eyeglasses to those in need in the Belton community. He was the first President of the Belton Alliance and continues to serve on the board as Treasurer.
Maynard has worked at Maynard’s Home Furnishings since graduating from Wofford College in 1969, and has served as President since 1977. Maynard’s celebrated their 68th anniversary earlier this year. He is a Past President of the Southern Home Furnishings Association and served on the Board and Executive Committee of the National Home Furnishings Association.
Maynard expressed his thanks to Governor Haley for the recognition and acknowledged the former Belton recipients. He expressed a special thanks to his sister, parents, wife, children, grandchildren and friends for their guidance, teaching, love and patience. He also thanked Wofford College for the education he received and for instilling the real meaning of community and the importance of service. He expressed his pride in Belton and South Carolina and encouraged everyone to work together to make both the best they can be. Rex emphasized the importance of volunteering and closed by saying “When you volunteer, you meet and become friends with the best people in the world!”
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