American Legion Post 51

Belton Post 51 has a Community Breakfast on the first Saturday of each month from 8 to 10 am at the American Legion Building located at 306 Campbell Street. Everyone’s welcome to enjoy eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, biscuits, gravy, coffee and juice for a $6 donation.  Join others from our community for breakfast and fellowship.

Post 51 holds its monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Legion Building. All Veterans are encouraged to join us for a meal followed by the Post business meeting.

The Post also organizes and sponsors a Memorial Day event, usually centered around the Veterans Memorial Park on Anderson Street.  The Post partners with the City of Belton to maintain and improve the park.

Flag Retirement Community Service

American Legion Post 51 in Belton offers a flag retirement service to the community. This service is a dignified and proper way to dispose of old and/or tattered U.S. Flags. It is not proper to dispose of these flags in any other way.

Anyone having an American Flag that needs to be disposed of may bring it to the American Legion Post 51 headquarters building on Campbell Street.
