Alliance Releases Survey Findings
Belton Alliance Names Winner & Shares Survey Information
Belton’s Sandra Gaillard was drawn as the winner of a her choice of a Samsung Galaxy Tablet 4 from the participants in the Belton Alliance survey. Snadra is shown below receiving her prize from Belton Alliance Board member Dupre Keys. Members of the Belton area were encouraged to complete the 24 question survey providing their opinions on the community, expressing needs and making comments on how the community can be improved. Gaillard’s names was selected from among the 100 survey participants.

Over half the participants were between the ages of 36 and 55 and over 70% have lived in the Belton area over 20 years. Over 87% were very satisfied or satisfied living in the area, 81% rated the quality of life as above average or average and 93% would recommend Belton as a good place to live. The most important factors to the quality of life were a safe place to live, the quality of schools, cleanliness and attractiveness, public services and small town/home town atmosphere.
The least liked items in Belton included only one grocery store, lack of shopping and retail stores, lack of job opportunities and not enough places to eat. Jobs were listed as the most critical issue facing Belton followed by a lack of retail businesses, infrastructure, crime and drugs and no population growth.
More grocery stores and restaurants received the most interest. Half the participants eat out at least twice weekly and another 41% once weekly. A family style meat and 3 was the most requested new restaurant, followed by a steakhouse and somewhere serving a full breakfast. Most wanted to spend less than $20 for a meal for 2 people. Restaurants, including a deli type and coffee shop, were among things most needed around the Square. Another highly requested item was an outdoor courtyard for events and gatherings, with 89% of participants making that request.
Participants were asked for comments, and items mentioned most were improved sidewalks and trails, more industry, growth on the Square and demolition, or restoration of old buildings in bad shape.
Area residents who have not yet completed the survey are encouraged to do so . The survey may be accessed online at Below is a summary of the survey results:
Belton Alliance Survey Summary
- 60% male; 40% female
- 54% between 36 and 55
- 71% lived in Belton 20+ years
- 87% were very satisfied or satisfied living in the Belton area
- Most liked about Belton were family atmosphere, sense of community, small town convenience and good school system (all were mentioned over 50% of the time)
- Most least liked about Belton were only one grocery store (59%), lack of shopping/retail store (44%), lack of job opportunities (42%) and not enough places to eat (31%)
- 81% rated the quality of life as above average or average; 11% rated it excellent and 8% below average
The following were the most important factors to the quality of life in Belton
- Safe place to live (92%)
- Quality of schools (84%)
- Clean and attractive (73%)
- Public services…library, police, fire, etc. (70%)
- Hometown atmosphere (64%)
- Vibrant downtown area-51%
- 93% recommend Belton as a good place to live
- 62% felt Belton offers housing and service to allow you to age here
- The most critical issues facing Belton were jobs (21%), lack of retail (21%), infrastructure (19%), crime and drugs (14%) and no population growth (9%)
- 66% had someone in their household who worked outside of Belton. 51% said they did so because of lack of employment, 54% said the earned a better salary and 49% had a specialized job elsewhere
- More retail establishments are needed:
- Grocery(89%)
- Restaurants (85%)
- Clothing/Apparel (82%)
- Fitness (71%)
- Specialty Foods (53%)
34% felt Belton needs fewer drinking places
- 49% eat out at least twice a week, 41% weekly and 10% monthly
- 63% wanted more family style/meat & 3 restaurants, 43% more steakhouses, 41% more breakfast, 31% more deli and 16% more ethnic (Italian, Asian, etc.)
- 60% want to spend under $50 for a meal for 2; 20% under $20 and 16% under $100. Only 3% want so spend over $100
- Wanted to see more around the square
- 92% deli type restaurant
- 91% restaurants
- 89% outdoor courtyard for events and gatherings
- 84% coffee shop
- 83% specialty shops
- 81% clothing/apparel
- 60% housing over the squre
- 52% more parking
- 58% wanted to learn abut events and developments through e-mail or social media; 38% on a website
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